Music :

Micheal and Faith- 1st Ray- Blue  

‘he who is like God’

Protection, Faith and God's will

Jophiel and Christine- 2nd Ray- Yellow  

'beauty of God'

Wisdom, Enlightened / Illumined / Consistency

Chamuel and Charity - 3rd Ray- Pink / Ruby  

'he who seeks God’  

Love, Adoration, Gratitude

Gabriel and Hope - 4th Ray / White  

'God is my strength'

Resurection, Puruty and Harmony

Raphael and Mary - 5th Ray / Green  

‘God heals’

Truth, Healing, Science

Uriel and Aroura- 6th Ray - Purple / Gold  

‘God is my light’

Peace, Minstration, Service

Zadkiel and Amethyst - 7th Ray- Violet. 

“Righteousness of God” 

Freedom, Mercy, Transmutation

Chamuel is “he who seeks or sees God” he is the Angel of Love and his Twin Flame is the Lady Charity. To seek God is to see God, and through Charity the Love of God is always found.

Each of the seven Archangels serve on a certain Ray (aspect of God) Chamuel and Charity’s being the 3rd Ray of God’s Devine Love. This is what was taught in the Bible by Christ, It’s God’s commandment, that is the bases of all commandments of God.

Mark 12:33

“And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 

The Archangel's are complete through the love they have with their Lady Archeia, their twin flames, like the Lady Faith of Michael, and the Lady Hope of Gabriel, as well as the Lady Charity of Chamuel.

They show us how to live our lives. 

By Protecting God's Love through Faith, 

The Strength of God’s Love through Hope 

and Seeking God's Love, through Charity.

Let your Mind Surrender to

 the Wisdom of your Heart.
